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where are your key spaces?

In our lives and homes, there are always going to be spaces that matter more to us than others. These spaces are the ones that have the most impact on our well-being, sanity, and ability to cope with life. They are not always large – though sometimes they can be an entire room – yet their effect on our lives can be enormous far beyond their physical size. These are our key spaces.

So, let’s identify your key spaces…

Pause and breathe for a moment

Then think about your living space (home and work)

  • Which rooms or areas are your safe space? Your sanctuary?
  • In which rooms or areas do you get angered if someone else “messes” them up?
  • Which spaces do other people feel like they’re invading at times?
  • Which rooms or areas do you feel possessive about?
  • When your home is chaos, which spaces do you feel drawn to tidy first?

These are all clues to your key spaces.

Your key spaces may well be entirely different from mine.

I know folks for whom the state of the kitchen bench is absolutely critical. There are people who may seem a bit obsessive about their coffee table, or the arrangement of cushions on their couch. That’s because those are key spaces for them. (Which spaces have others teased you about your need to control? There’s another clue!)

Once you know where your key spaces are, you can own your reaction to them and your need for them. We all need spaces that support us – and our key spaces are (surprise!) key to that!

Once you know your key spaces, you can start to work consciously on getting them to a state where they meet your needs and enhance your life. They can’t fully support you until you’re conscious of them and your need to tend them. 

Once you know your key spaces, you can begin to make them more yours – setting them up so you can enjoy them, and enjoy tending and maintaining them.

Let’s get your key spaces working for you!!

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