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soul your space

You are in a relationship with your space – your surroundings, your environment…

For a lot of us, that relationship ends up filed under “its complicated”!

We get caught up with life and work and family and and and…
We forget that our space could be supporting us – if we let it.

Instead, we end up drowning ourselves in clutter and random paperwork (why is there so much paper?!?)
Unable to appreciate the things we have and love, we end up buying more to try to help (hint: it usually doesn’t).

Then we head online and drown ourselves in emails and social media updates and endless scrolling and phone games, because even though we know it doesn’t help, it still feels comfier somehow than facing up to reality.

Sound a bit toooooo familiar?

Yeah, me too…

There is another way!

It is possible to create spaces that nourish and support you.

It is possible to build a healthy relationship with your surroundings.

It is possible to enjoy your environment and not need to hide from it.

Yes, this will take a bit of effort…

…but probably not as much as you think.

it’s time to soul your space

Soul Your Space is my process to get you reconnecting with your space and turning it into somewhere you love to be.

Soul Your Space is a free challenge that takes place over five days.

Each day of the challenge you’ll get an email with some tasks to do. These tasks are designed to take about half an hour each day, so you still have time for the rest of life.

Over the five days, you’ll work on a small area, so you don’t need to worry about overwhelming yourself or taking on too much.

By the end of the five days, you’ll have made a noticeable difference to that small area of your space.

Then you can start to ‘soul’ your next small area!

The latest Soul Your Space challenge started at noon on Thursday 11 January 2024 (New Zealand time). There will be another challenge along later in the year. Sign up for the waitlist below…

want to join the waitlist for the next challenge? here you go:

Can’t wait until the next challenge?
buy the workbook!

want to know more? keep scrolling…


How much does this cost? Soul Your Space is absolutely free.

When is the challenge? The last Soul Your Space challenge started at noon on Thursday 11 January 2024 (that’s New Zealand time – your local time may differ). There will be another challenge along later in the year. Join the waitlist so you don’t miss out.

Do I have to start the challenge on the official start date? Nope!
You can do it whenever suits you. You’ll start getting the emails on this date. Just save them up for whenever you want to start.

Can I save up the emails and do the challenge in a day? Yes!
However, I do recommend taking it day-by-day for your first time through the challenge. That gives you time to adjust to the process and the changes you’re making. Rushing through can make it harder to integrate.
Also, your space deserves your time and attention! Remember, this is relationship-building – and that’s not something that can be rushed.

Can I work on a whole room, not a small area? Not recommended.
Our planning and intention-setting will look at the bigger space, but to keep the challenge manageable and the process successful, we keep it small.
You can repeat the process as often as you like, until your whole room is ‘souled’.
I strongly recommend taking it bit-by-bit: I’ve been doing this in my space for a few years now, and I still work bit-by-bit rather than trying to eat the whole elephant in one bite!

Do I need any special equipment? Nope!
You’ll need somewhere to take notes and a bit of room to move in. That’s all!
Please don’t rush out to buy anything until after the full five days – you may find your needs and wants shift as we work.

How does the process work? That’ll be in the emails!
Broadly: we start with assessing, planning and intention-setting. Then we move onto clearing, sorting and re-arranging. If you want to get a feel for how it works, check out this blog post.

Got a question that isn’t answered above? Email jay at or drop a comment below.


Are you ready to

soul your space?!?

Join the waitlist here (and remember to tick the box to opt in!)

Can’t wait until the next challenge?
buy the workbook!

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