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Guidance is a conversation:

You bring yourself, your hopes and dreams, and your stuckness and fears.

I bring my guiding skills, life experience, and possibility finding.

Together, we create magic!

It really is that simple – and that profound.

It is up to you how deep we go and how far we go with this conversation.

This is about you and your life, and what you want to make of that.

It is up to you how often we meet and for how long.

You aren’t locked into a set number of sessions or a structured programme. That’s not how I roll.

We start where you are and follow along where you want to go.

This time is for you.

The cost

I have a three tier equity fee structure:

  • Blossom – NZ$250 per session
  • Leaf – NZ$150 per session
  • Seed – NZ$50 per session

You choose what you can afford – and in these uncertain times, I know that can change week to week!

Each session is for 60 to 90 minutes.

Why work with me?

As a certified Masteries Practitioner and member of the International Association of Coaches you can be sure of my ethics and my skill set.

I also have a range of mystic tools ready to work for you: tarot, energy work, spirit work, and more…

And I bring the many and varied life experiences of someone with ADHD (so many hobbies!) There’s a lot I’ve done and learned over the years. All of this is here for you to draw on.

Ready to learn more or make a start?

Book a free 20 minute chat with me, and let’s see how we get on!