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Jay: a white person with amber midlength hair and a welcoming smile

As an agender pagan mystic with ADHD, Jay has never quite got a handle on being ‘normal’.

They bring a wide range of experience and learning to their practice (some of it rather random). While there’s not much need for their puppetry skills in most sessions, their knowledge of tarot, belly dance, gardening, and/or world history come in handy more often than you might suspect!

Jay will always:

  • stop to talk to cats (and dogs, too)
  • admire the dahlias
  • eat the dark chocolate
  • be tempted by yarn, book, and plant shops.

Jay lives in the hilly suburbs of Te-Whanganui-a-Tara/Wellington, New Zealand with their husband of two decades, nearly not-teenage twins, and Her Impurrial Highness, Purrincess Nami of the tuxedo coat and floofy paws.